Friday, December 31, 2004


Colorado Judge Arrested By Citizen Militia

The story below appears to be just as the authors name suggests, a good story. But it does seem like the kind of thing that propbably ought to be happening if our elected officials continue to operate outside the law.

by Rita Goodstory. staff writer
December 27, 2004

Denver CO - Once again, four members of the Americans for Justice Militia entered a judge's office to place a sitting judge under arrest. At 9:45 this morning the small, unarmed group arrived at the 2nd District Court (1437 Bannock Street), flashed their AJM credentials, and instructed the clerk to escort them to Judge Wilson's office.

Judge Wilson was read the charges and was peacefully arrested by Denver AJM members Tom Cooley, William Adamson, Jeffrey Wilson (no relation), and Cynthia Washington. The four calmly walked the arrested judge without handcuffs to the neighboring police station for booking and incarceration, pending a bail hearing. Police Captain Hermano Gutierrez refused to comment, but William Anderson, a senior AJM member, read the following statement for the media:

"Judges in Denver and throughout Colorado were first put on notice by Rick Stanley in 2002. Every judge has taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitutions of the United States and the State of Colorado, and the citizens of Colorado have the right and the duty to enforce that oath. Judges who show blatant disregard for the law are held accountable to the law, if not by our hired servants in government then by the citizens themselves. Regrettably, this is our nineteenth arrest. We would prefer this to be the last, but that is entirely up to the judges."

The militia dispersed by 10:15 a.m. when they returned to their full-time jobs as store clerk (Cooley), programmer (Adamson), elementary school teacher (Wilson), and peace officer (Washington).

Update 1/13/04

June Maxam at The Empire Journal - Rick Stanley Attorney: No Oath, No Authority

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


People Must Act to Restore Law

Excerpt from CRC...

The reason that the people of each State are burdened by illegal acts of federal agents, and their surrender of the powers of government to private interests, is because the State has not repudiated the attempts of its agents in Washington to act beyond their authority. These unlawful acts have the effect of "law" not by reason of a nonexistent authority of the federal agent, but because of the authority the State gave to these acts by failing to challenge the attempts of its federal agents to exceed their authority.

To meet the constitutional crisis the people, acting through officials they have elected to represent them, must force the State legislature to insure that all provisions of the Constitution are respected and enforced within the boundaries of the State.

The State, acting at its highest sovereign capacity, must wrest control of its destiny from the evil hands of those unfit to wield such power. Federal regulation over land, business, development, utilities, production, service, property, and people has never been delegated to any government or federal agency by the people of the State. Only by corrective action by the State legislature can the insane innovations of the revolutionary federal corporation be terminated and the laws and institutions of the Republic restored.

The place to begin is at the county level of government, the government closest to the people.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


The Next Steps

Received on 12/28/04 via cyberspace, from my alter ego.....

Essential maneuvers to forestall Armageddon

By John Kaminski

Of course, far too few people comprehend the depth of the decay, the advanced state of the disease. When you willingly and happily participate in a program meant to deceive and destroy you, it is doubly difficult to first realize and second admit you've been had.

Continue here...


Support (From) Your Local Sheriff

After the Revolutionary War and the subsequent creation of the U.S. Constitution, certain safeguards to protect our newly acquired liberties were established. Among these was the requirement that all government officials, including the military and law enforcement, swear an oath of loyalty — not to the President or the governor or the legislative assembly or any judge, but to the Constitution itself, which was the great bulwark of our liberty.
— Former Sheriff Richard Mack Graham County, Arizona

Friday, December 24, 2004


Vermont to Secede?

News Release [TGMM]



We the undersigned participants of Radical Consultation II held in Middlebury, Vermont on November 5-7, 2004, are convinced that the American Empire, now imposing its military might on 153 countries around the world, is as fragile as empires historically tend to be, and that it might well implode upon itself in the near future. Before that happens, no matter what shape the United States may take, we believe there is an opportunity now to push through new political ideas and projects that would offer true popular participation and genuine democracy. The time to prepare for that is now. (my emphasis)

"Whenever any form of government is destructive of these ends—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government…in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."—Declaration of Independence, 1776 [Entire Declaration]

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


It Can't Happen Here

Ron Pual's Texas Straight Talk [Full Article]

Unfortunately, the new intelligence bill passed by Congress two weeks ago moves us closer to an encroaching police state by imposing the precursor to a full-fledged national ID card. Within two years, every American will need a “conforming” ID to deal with any federal agency-- including TSA at the airport.

Folks, the bankers are loving this!

10. The next step the bankers have is a national ID card so they can track your body by a computer chip and satellite and know every transaction you are involved in. The bankers have already created this (in 1994) and are trying to find a way to talk people into this through 9/11 and "Home Land Security." T / F [TW]

That tolerance may wane, however, as our standard of living falls due to spiraling debt, endless deficit spending at home and abroad, a declining fiat dollar, inflation, higher interest rates, and failing entitlement programs. At that point attitudes toward omnipotent government may change… Ahem (nudge nudge, wink wink)

We have a window of time, now, in which to bring this to an end. And then the door will close. And the door will close when we have microchipped people. [David Icke]


Sunday, December 19, 2004


Rights and Monopoly Money

Colored money leads to colorable contracts and colorable law. Statutes are restrictions to the pursuit of happiness. All of it is prohibited in the Constitution. The Uniform Commercial Code was developed in 1951 through 1975 as law to counter the effects of playing with funny money. The funny money game started in 1933 by executive order. The three types of law granted in the Constitution--Common, Equity and Maritime--are all but a memory, and so is this tired parchment called the Constitution of the United States of America.

Read the entire article here.

Friday, December 17, 2004


Federal Felonies Related to the Debt

Follow this link.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground…..

We are fast approaching that moment prophesied by Joseph Smith when he said, 'even this nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground, and when the Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.' (July 19, 1840, Church Historians Office, SLC)." (Ezra Taft Benson, The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner, Deseret Book, 1986, p. 27-28) [TM&SC]

Considering the events of December 9, 2004, it appears this day is now upon us.

Monday, December 13, 2004


USA Inc.

Corporate Takeover of Government Well Underway [TM&SC]

INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICE (IRS) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation date 7/12/33 File No. 0325720

FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION (Federal Reserve) Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation date 9/13/14 File No. 0042817

CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409

FEDERAL LAND ACQUISITION CORP. For-profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 8/22/80 File No. 0897960

RTC COMMERCIAL ASSETS TRUST 1995-NP3-2 For-profit Delaware Statutory Trust Incorporation Date 10/24/95 File No. 2554768

SOCIAL SECURITY CORP, DEPART. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELF For-Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation date: 11/13/89 File No. 2213135

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946

UNITED STATES TREASURY / U.S. TREASURY, INC. Incorporation Date 02/08/1990 File No. 2221617 For profit General Delaware Corporat


Heads up and pay attention:

…the Department of Homeland Security was created to defend this government from the citizens of the United States because they fear we will find out and we will rise up and cast them from power. It does not defend this nation, you, your family, friends, or loved ones. It defends only the government not from Al Qaeda but from us. They know when Americans figure this out, Americans are going to be way past livid and heads in Washington, DC, are going to roll and butts are going to prison.

In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, flaws in national security, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush buddies or Clinton buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the talking heads they put before us to spin their web of lies.
[Online Journal]

Sunday, December 12, 2004


No courts of remedy in Oregon?


Besides the question of court validity, another problem in the court system is that "judges" are circumventing the correct original oath of office as required by Article VII, section 21 of the 1859 Constitution of Oregon "BEFORE" taking their seats. Due to this very unfortunate circumstance, the "judges" are in violation of the qualification requirement in their applications for public office questionnaire. Such failure to qualify has fraud implications with consequent monetary and jail time penalties. Each of the 165 circuit court judges in Oregon stands to be fined and/or imprisoned for illegally swearing or affirming (it is one or the other, but not both) an oath of office that is not Article VII, section 21 of the 1859 Constitution of the State of Oregon. One might easily imagine the problems that could ensue from the removal of all 165 "judges" from their respective benches.

It appears the state of Oregon could use a judicature movement of their own.


Utah Oath of Office

In compliance with Article 6 of the Constitution, the very first act passed by Congress and signed by President Washington on June 1, 1789, was the actual oath to support the Constitution that was to be administered to various government officers. This was to ensure a republican form of government.

The Oath is as follows: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity."

A signed copy of the oath is to be filed with the recorder of the city and town. This filing should not be taken lightly.

All officers elected to public office are required by law to take and subscribe the Oath of Office within a specified period of time. If the elected official does not take and subscribed the oath of office as required, the office becomes vacant as a matter of law.

In Utah it is a criminal offence (class B misdemeanor) to exercise or attempt to exercise the functions of a public office before filing the oath of office or filing a bond when a bond is required. It is in Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as Amended, Section 76-8-20. This law has been violated continuously in The State of Utah since 1974, when no person elected to the Utah Senate filed the required oath of office for 16 years, from 1974 to 1991, so all the "laws" enacted during that period of time were unofficial, and done in criminal violation of the law and are unconstitutional and void.

All offices have remained vacant since then, except for the office of Secretary of State and Governor and Treasurer. At the present time, only the office of Secretary of State is filled, all other state offices are vacant as a matter of law. In the past, and currently, there are no political parties officially registered with the Secretary of State.

The unofficial government in the State of Utah is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization. Without any official political parties, the republicans in Utah did not officially elect any presidential electors, and therefore George W. Bush did not receive any Electoral College votes from the State of Utah. The certification of presidential elector from Utah was unofficial, unlawful, unconstitutional and void. The same is true of the senators and representatives of Utah in the Senate and House of Representatives; they were not duly elected, nor certified, by anyone having authority to do so.

The criminal conspiracy spread until no one in the Utah Legislature filed an oath of office for the terms beginning in 1987 and 1989, and the five executive officers failed to file their oaths in 1989, and three judges on the Utah Supreme Court failed to file in 1987 and 1989, leaving the court without a majority, and the Constitution requires a majority in order to make any decisions or do any business.

The city recorder failed to file his oath of office with the Salt Lake City treasured in March of 1993, more than eleven (11) years ago. There is a copy of an oath of office, but it was in the city recorder's office, not in the treasurer's office. At least the treasurer’s office could not, or was unwilling to produce the document when requested. This is a clear violation of Utah Law. So the office of city recorder has been vacant for eleven years.

This dangerous matter continues to increase as the fictitious national debt continues to increase at a rate of 100 Billion a month since the debt limit was raised in May, from 6.4 Trillion to nearly 7.4 Trillion.

Oh, and before you pass judgement about the validity of the above information, may I suggest you go to the recorders office and do your own investigation. Or, perhaps, that might be a good project for the UJRM.

For a more detailed analysis of this synopsis, follow this link.

So how do you solve the problem?

Well, if you are a “career politician” you get out your #2 pencil and your little ruler, line out the laws you don’t want to comply with, and call it…

H.B. 328

See, no problem. NOW the UNOFFICIAL misconduct is OFFICIAL!

I guess if they can throw the U.S. Constitution out the window, we don’t need that pesky state one either. Besides, in a One World feudal system, all laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.

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Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built it all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.